News from the World of Endometriosis November 2020
✔️WES and WCE 2021Our current president of European Endometriosis League (EEL) Engin Oral, MD and our previous president Stefan Renner, MD were selected last year as WES Senior Ambassadors. Sebastian Schäfer, MD an advisory board member of European Endometriosis League was selected last year as a WES Young Ambassador.14th World Congress of Endometriosis which was going to take place in Dubai on September 11-14th, 2020 was postponed due to COVID-19 pandemic. The congress will be held in Dubai on February 24-27th, 2021. Three of the board members from EEL Harald Krentel, MD, Stefan Renner, MD and Horace Roman MD are members of the scientific committee of the upcoming WES Congress. A Special Focus Meeting concerning “deep endometriosis from classification and diagnostics to treatment and perspective” organised by EEL, will take place on 24th February 2021 in 14th WCE, Dubai.Scientific programme:✔️ 6th EMEL CONFERENCE ON ENDOMETRIOSISThe 6th EMEL Conference on Endometriosis and uterine disorders where our president Engin Oral, MD was invited as a guest speaker was postponed (21-22th January 2021) due to COVID-19 pandemic.✔️ACE 2020The IXth Asian Conference on Endometriosis hosted by Endometriosis Association of Sri Lanka in conjunction with the Asian Society of Endometriosis and Adenomyosis has been postponed to 2021.✔️ ESHRE CAMPUS EVENTSDue to COVID-19 pandemic, ESHRE stage most Campus meetings scheduled from September to December 2020 as online events.As part of the ESHRE Campus events, a workshop will be held on 11-13th March 2021 on the topic “Adenomyosis: What we know, and what we don’t know”.✔️ISGE 2021Join the VirtualEndo24 on March 20-21th, 2021 with global endometriosis experts.✔️ASRM 2020The ASRM 2020 was held online October 2020.
You can still register for the Congress and Postgraduate Course through November 30th an view what you missed by logging onto Browse the Congress schedule, choose the sessions that interest you, and click “Video”. Content is viewable through December 31st, 2020.✔️ANNOUNCEMENT ESGE LIVE 2020The annual meeting of the ESGE will take place under the name of ESGE LIVE 2020 as a virtual event (December 6-8th) and will replace the ESGE Annual Congress for this year.The 30th Annual Congress will take place in October 2021 as originally planned.✔️ MALZONI MEETINGThe Malzoni meeting was postponed due to COVID-19 pandemic to 8th–11th May, 2021 Rome.