EEL Course on Ultrasound in Endometriosis

The EEL is proud to announce a new educational project, starting in May 2024.

These are our aims:  

  1. Certified education and training in diagnosing endometriosis and adenomyosis by transvaginal ultrasound for professionals in gynecology with advanced skills in endometriosis (gynecological surgeons, sonographers and radiologists) following a standardized curriculum.
  2. Creating a network of specialists on ultrasound diagnosis of endometriosis.
  3. Connecting skills of ultrasound diagnosis with endometriosis management and treatment.

You are already using ultrasound in your clinical practice, but want to learn more about the advantages and challenges of ultrasound diagnosis of endometriosisand adenomyosis? You ask yourself how to identify the different types and locations of endometriotic lesions and how to assess their severity and impact? You wonder how to perform sophisticated transvaginal sonography with confidence and accuracy? You wish to implement ultrasound diagnosis of endometriosis in your center or improve your existing program?

These and more questions will be answered in the new EEL Course on Ultrasound in Endometriosis created by the European Endometriosis League (EEL). The courses will take place in some of the most innovative European centers for ultrasound diagnosis of endometriosis. With its combination of interactive workshops, presentations and live-demonstrations, the course offers the unique possibility to enhance your knowledge and skills in all aspects of ultrasound diagnosis of endometriosis in two days full of training, exchange and unforgettable experiences.

Participants: The number of participants per course is limited to 12 persons.

Participation Fee: 800 Euros including certification, lunches, coffee breaks and social dinner. EEL members pay a rate of 650,- Euros.

In order to benefit from the reduced fee of 650 Euro, please use during the registration the coupon code "EELMEMBER".

Travel and Accomodation: Every participant has to organize accommodation and travel individually.

Every participant has to organize travel and accommodation individually.


Dates and organizers

EEL Course on Ultrasound in Endometriosis:


23-24.05.2024 Duisburg, Germany – Harald Krentel, Stefano Guerriero, Agnieszka Kotlarz, Tina Tellum, Alin Constantin - Program

10-11.10.2024 Leuven, Belgium – Dirk Timmerman, Wouter Froyman, Agnieszka Kotlarz, Christine De Bruyn, Dominique Van Schoubroeck

21-22.11.2024 Budapest, Hungary – Gabor Szabó, Agnieszka Kotlarz, Gernot Hudelist





  • The masterclass will last 2 days. 
  • The final exams of all courses (MCQ´s) are similar. The certification can be obtained with 80 % correct answers. 
  • Content: presentations, live-ultrasound, workshops, exam


Day 1 – 09.00 to 17.00

9.00 am                            Welcome and introduction 

09.15                                How to diagnose endometriosis and adenomyosis – basic principles

09.35                                Principles of modern transvaginal sonography

09.55                               IDEA Consensus and standard of TVS

10.15                                #Enzian Classification

10.35                                Coffee break

11.00                                Hands-on I – How to get the best image

12.00                                MUSA Consensus

12.20                                Endometriomas, IOTA and soft markers

12.40                                Peritoneal Endometriosis and Adhesions

13.00                                Lunch break

14.00                               Live ultrasound scan by experts

16.00                                Questions and Answers

Day 2 – 09.00 to 16.00

09.00                                Anterior compartment

09.30                                Posterior compartment I (Torus uterinus, Rectovaginal space and Vagina)

10.00                                Posterior compartment II (Rectum)

10.30                                Coffee break

11.00                                Hands-on II: live scan per training group (3 participants in 4 machines)

13.00                                Lunch break

14.00                                Lateral compartment (Parametrium, Ureter)

14.30                                Sacral nerves

15.00                                How to scan the kidneys, the abdominal wall and the inguinal region

15.30                                Question and Answer

* © Krentel, H., Constantin, A., Tellum, T., Kotlarz, A., Timmerman, D, Szabo, G. 2024


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