The European Endometriosis League Supports Research And Enhances Public Awareness Throughout The European Countries In The Field Of Endometriosis.
Our Goal Is To Improve Awareness And Enhance Treatment For Women Suffering From Endometriosis.
Advanced course on ultrasound examination of endometriosis and adenomyosis
Advanced course on ultrasound examination of endometriosis and adenomyosis 17-18 OCTOBER 2022 SWEDEN LIVESTREAM Course leaders: Lil Valentin, Povilas Sladakevicius, Ligita Jokubkiene Time: 17th...
News & Events0EEL Board elections 2022
We invite all members to the General Assembly during the 6th EEC in Bordeaux, France. Date and time: 16.06.2022, 18.30-19.30, Room Amphitheater Brisbane Agenda: 1 – Welcome and Introduction 2 –...
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The Next EEL Congress
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What is Endometriosis?

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The disease is caused by tissue from the uterus growing mainly in the lower abdomen. This often leads to severe pain during period, strong menstruation and inhibited fertility.