EEL Webinar: Sclerotherapy in ovarian endometriosis

EndoMarch EEL Webinar Although ovarian endometriosis is a common disease, ovarian endometriosis surgery remains a challenge. While stripping is the most commonly used technique, there are some alternatives. One of them is sclerotherapy. Adrien Crestani MD, PhD will share his experience of ovarian endometriosis surgeries and alternatives. Don’t miss this important and challenging topic! Speaker: Adrien Crestani MD, PhD Moderator: …

EEL is excited to announce its partnership with the Lister Endometriosis Journal Club

The European Endometriosis League is excited to announce its partnership with Lister Endometriosis Journal Club – LEJEndo! The LEJEndo is an opportunity for gynaecologists of all levels to come together and stay up-to-date with the latest endometriosis research. In between live events, discussions will continue on the group’s platform. Authors of the articles being presented may also attend live sessions …

EEL Masterclass in Duisburg, Germany – FULLY BOOKED

We are delighted to announce that the EEL Masterclass in Duisburg, Germany is now fully booked! We would like to thank everyone who has registered for the event and we look forward to seeing you all there. For those who were not able to secure a spot for the Duisburg Masterclass, we have good news! There are still available seats …

EEL joins the 15th World Congress on Endometriosis

  Join the 15th World Congress on Endometriosisand don’t miss the EEL Pre-Congress Meeting – Endometriosis-associated infertility! A variety of factors including peritoneal, ovarian, tubal and uterine dysfunction play a role in endometriosis-associated infertility and influence patients social and sexual life. Early diagnosis of endometriosis might avoid a negative impact on fertility. But what would be the ideal protective treatment …

EEL Masterclass in Madrid 2022!

The 7th edition of EEL Endometriosis MasterClass. This time in Hospital La Paz in Madrid, Spain. Enthusiastic participants from six countries and an amazing spanish team of experts from Madrid, Barcelona and Valencia. Alicia Hernandez, Emanuela Spagnolo and their team at Hospital La Paz, Madrid organized a superb program with a series of very didactive live surgery cases, live ultrasound, ...

Advanced course on ultrasound examination of endometriosis and adenomyosis

Advanced course on ultrasound examination of endometriosis and adenomyosis 17-18 OCTOBER 2022 SWEDEN LIVESTREAM  Course leaders: Lil Valentin, Povilas Sladakevicius, Ligita Jokubkiene Time: 17th and 18th October 2022 Venue: Web-based course (Zoom) Name of organizing institution (public): Dept Obstet Gynecol, Skane University Hospital, Malmö, SWEDEN Suitable for: Specialists in obstetrics and gynecology with at least basic skills in gynecological ultrasound and interest …

EEL Board elections 2022

We invite all members to the General Assembly during the 6th EEC in Bordeaux, France. Date and time: 16.06.2022, 18.30-19.30, Room Amphitheater Brisbane Agenda: 1 – Welcome and Introduction 2 – Declaration of quorum 3 – Appointment of recording secretary 4 – Report of the President 5 – Report of the Treasurer 6 – Formal approval of the Board 7 …